Learn about your feelings and track your daily emotions

Evolve your understanding of emotions and dig deeper into your self.


Why Mood Board?

Our user-friendly interface, accessibility across devices, and any unique features set our web app apart from others in the market.

  • Comprehensive Emotion Education

    Comprehensive learning experiences with detailed information on a wide range of emotions. Delve into more complex and nuanced feelings.

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  • Interactive Learning Modules

    Engaging and interactive learning modules that cater to different learning styles. Utilize quizzes, games, and real-life scenarios.

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  • Personalized Emotion Tracking

    Customizable emotion tracking allows users to log and analyze their emotions over time. Identify patterns, triggers, and progress in managing emotions effectively.

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  • Goal-Oriented Progress Tracking

    Set emotional well-being goals. Track progress, celebrate achievements, and see areas that may need improvement.

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  • Expert Guidance and Resources

    Expert insights, articles, and resources on emotional well-being. Psychologists, therapists, and mental health professionals provide reliable information and tips on managing and understanding emotions.

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  • Data Encryption

    All data transmitted between your device and our servers is encrypted using industry-standard protocols. This means that even if intercepted, the information remains unreadable to unauthorized parties.

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Mood Board

Created by Zack Hanni

See more Projects here.